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Welcome to Spartans Advance

Hey Everyone, and Welcome to Spartans Advance. Our names are Amanda Nattress and Izabella Ostrowski, we are first years at the Larner College of Medicine-- yes we're actually hoping to become doctors in 3 years! The purpose of this website is to help give you the tools and confidence that you need to succeed in life and in college. We know that college isn't right for everyone, but whether you're questioning college, community college, a career, or trade-- this website will give you the ins and outs along with some how-tos. 









In order to navigate this website hover over the menu at the top and find what you're looking for. If you're using a mobile device, look for the three lines in the upper right-hand corner. 

As for us, we're here to help you, whether it be via tutoring, answering questions, or just chatting, we are here for you! 

Now a little bit about us... 

My name is Amanda Nattress, I graduated from Winooski High School in 2015, and yes I was on the girl's basketball team that won the state championship. If you look in the gym, you should see my name on a couple of banners as I was Valedictorian as well. After high school, I went to UVM for undergrad where I majored in Biochemistry and minored in Pharmacology and Nutrition and Food Sciences. I learned a lot in college, and although Winooski High School prepared me for having the right growth-mindset, there were a lot of things that I wish I knew before heading to college. So, voila, this website was born. A few fun facts about me are:

1. "Winooski my town," -A2VT

2. I have a Goldendoodle pup named Curly Moe

3. My favorite food is either Vietnamese (Pho Dang) or Thai (from Tiny Thai)

4. I studied abroad in Australia in 2017

5. In my free time I like to do things outdoors: skiing, hiking, biking, kayaking, etc

6. I'm here for YOU, I know that everyone has a different path in life and we are here to celebrate that/help you get to wherever you are meant to be. 

Hey everyone, I’m Izabella Ostrowski! I am originally from Long Island in New York, which is where I lived my whole life after my parents immigrated from Poland to the U.S. in the 1990’s. Polish was actually my first language and I’ve spent many summers in Poland visiting extended family. After high school I went to UVM where I majored in Neuroscience and had an incredible four years. I fell in love with Vermont and so here I am sticking around for medical school! Here are some fun facts about me: 

  1. I did alpine ski racing growing up and was a part of the UVM Alpine Club Ski Racing Team for my four years at UVM. 

  2. The summer I graduated from college, I did a 6 week road trip across the U.S. and Canada where I got to hike, camp and explore National Parks and cities. 

  3. I’ve known I wanted to be a doctor since I was 5 years old. 

  4. I think the most beautiful country I’ve visited is Thailand. 

  5. My dream dog to have one day is a Golden Doodle. 

Hello! My name is Kadi and I’m a second-year medical student from Denver, Colorado. This is the first time I have ever lived outside of CO, and I have absolutely fallen in love with how beautiful Vermont is. I’m thrilled to be a new co-leader of the Spartan’s Advance project and I’m so excited to get to know WMHS students and teachers! Here are a few fun facts about me…


  • I majored in Molecular and Cellular Biology in college

  • I am a french fry fanatic!

  • I have a little sister who just started college this fall, and I love helping her navigate all her exciting adventures at a new university

  • The summer before beginning medical school, I did a camping/hiking road trip throughout Colorado

  • I have an adorable pit bull named Piper!

Hi everyone! I’m Ellen and I am a second-year medical student at Larner College of Medicine at UVM. I grew up in an Eastern European community in New Jersey where my family eventually settled down after moving from Ukraine and Azerbaijan in the 1990s. My first language is Russian and was the only language I spoke until I was six! After high school, I went to college in NYC and worked there for a few years, after which I moved to Burlington, VT in August. I have been really enjoying getting to know Vermont and its community and I’m so excited to meet all of you! Here are some fun facts about me:

  1. I love art, drawing, and going to museums.

  2. I majored in Chemistry in college.

  3. I love music and have seen over 50 bands live.

  4. I have a cat named Chava.

  5. I love spending time outdoors, whether it’s skiing, hiking, or camping.

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